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Ed Beard Jr.

Ed Beard Jr.
Ed Beard Jr. has been a regular guest artist for the past 35 years at the Comic Cons in the United States, where he creates designs for various collectors and subjects on the spot. And it also takes on some painting commissions every year from collectors who want a high-level realistic artwork of their favorite character. And he is best known for his annual work on Tide Mark's "Dragon" calendar found at B&N and Borders every year, D&D, Magic the Gathering. With over 1000 published works and hundreds of other interiors and covers, as well as a long list of licensed products with Ed's images on them, ranging from t-shirts, mugs, puzzles, calendars and more, the works of art. Ed's art can be found practically everywhere. Ed has published his color art book called "The Enchanted Realm" available on Ed's website. He also has a line of sculptures distributed worldwide and a 35-year career as an automotive airbrush master seen on various programs. multimedia and automotive shows worldwide on

bravery Misplaced

bravery Misplaced

F&D Code 230702

141.55 € 149.00 €

Lunch With A Toothpick.

Lunch With A Toothpick.

F&D Code 230704

165.30 € 174.00 €

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